Wednesday, October 22, 2003

Comics News

A Couple of Quickies

I'm running late this morning, so I don't have time to do some of the things I had planned on doing. But over the last couple of days, there have been some things at various comics news sites that have caught my attention. Here's a look at a few of them:

Ninth Art has a nice overview of Lewis Trondheim and his work. Trondheim is probably my favorite cartoonist these days. (And has been for quite a while.) While you're there, check out the archives for other articles from Castrillon, who has been doing a series about comics from places other than America. His first one was a really good look at Alberto Breccia's work and tragic death.

The Ganzfeld has a sweet tribute to William Steig featuring various cartoonists. (I cribbed this one from Journalista!)

Alternative Comics has put out a press release for their February books. Some nice looking stuff, especially the second volume of Rosetta. The first was one of the few recent comics anthologies with a strong hit-to-miss ratio. With the second volume featuring work from folks like Edmond Baudoin, Santiago Cohen, Martin Tom Dieck, Anke Feuchtenberger, and Jason, it's hard to imagine it won't be phenomenal as well. Although it looks really cheesy for the first comment after their press release to come from Alternative's publisher. I know stories about alternative stuff tend to be ignored by people who go to the comics news sites, but this just smacks of desperation to me.

Lastly, Newsarama has a nice interview with the company that's releasing Tezuka's Buddha in English. Turns out they're not a comic publisher at all. Nice! I hope this works out for them, because I want to get all eight volumes.


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