Friday, March 18, 2005

You Can’t Do Everything…


My trip to SF next month has put some crimps into our usual travel schedule, since I’m using a store of vacation days that would normally be available to us for overnight trips and the like. Of course, I’ll get more time, but that takes a while. Keith is being a good sport about it, which I appreciate. However, I could not help being bummed yesterday to find out that Jill Sobule is going to be in Lexington and Bloomington right before I leave. The timing just doesn’t work, since either of them would require an overnight, because Keith doesn’t like to drive late at night. Bummer.

Still, I can console myself that Rodney Crowell is going to be in Lexington on June 25, which is a Saturday. That means an overnight stay with no time off and a chance to shop at a couple of my favorite bookstores!

Plus, The Duhks will be here in Louisville on May 12 and Scott Miller will be here on April 21. They’re both mid-week shows, which we don’t often do, but I’m filing them away for future reference….

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