Friday, June 17, 2005

Mixing and Mingling


I get to be one of the cool mix CD kids!

I’m excited about it because I wasn't sure that I’d get into this round. Seems people who don't update their blogs regularly are questionable characters or something. :-)

Seriously, I've enjoyed reading all about the first Mix CD exchange and various folks' opinions about the music they selected and the CD’s others made. Just from reading their blogs, I've found several artists I want to try. One of my favorite things is finding new music to enjoy, so I'm really glad to be a part of this round.

When organizer Chris Brown emailed me that I might or might not get in, depending on how many slots were taken by the regular-updating bloggers, I started thinking about my own mix anyway. I think I've come up with a fun one, filled with interesting music, that covers the gamut of my own music collection. We'll see. Once I get them sent out, I’ll wait a month or two to my next update and post my list and the thinking behind it. :-)

I am hoping this might give some more exposure to this blog, which will then motivate me to post more. We'll see, I guess.

I was also hoping that the experience would be a nice distraction from the situation with my dad, but it didn't work out that way. In fact, I'm late sending my CD's out because of the funeral. I hope to get that done soon. I'm running late!

A couple of years ago, I created personalized mixes for a bunch of friends and family for Christmas. I also made a mix of a bunch of different instrumentals from different genres for people at work. I got a lot of good comments, but burned out on the idea. It's time to give it a try again! (A couple of years ago, I created personalized mixes for a bunch of friends and family for Christmas. I also made a mix of a bunch of different instrumentals from different genres for people at work. I got a lot of good comments, but burned out on the idea.)

Oh yeah, the CD's I've gotten so far have been pretty cool. More on that later.

Speaking of Chris Brown, his wife had some pretty major surgery recently and is still recovering. Get well soon wishes from Eddie-torial Comments, Kelly!

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