Sunday, November 20, 2005

My Father Still Gets Mail

When Dad went in the hospital, we started having his mail forwarded to me, so that we could take care of things that might come up. Since I'm now the "Estate of Carl Mitchell," I get some official stuff from time to time, usually Medicare statements. Everything else has tapered off, except for the odd piece of junk mail, some of which is unintentionally quite funny.

Since dad is a vet, this one is not too off the wall. I've written them a couple of times trying to get it to stop, though:

This one came from his former bank, several months after we reported his death and closed the account It's one of those things that happens in large corporations, where one department doesn't talk to another.

It gets a little bit sillier when you see this notice on the envelope:

And even better, when you see the contents. I think his bank is inviting us to commit insurance fraud. It does say he cannot be turned down, after all....

Speaking of insurance, Nationwide seems to think he might be a good auto insurance risk. I guess they're figuring he's not in too much of a hurry to get anywhere these days.

Finally, there's this bit of techno junk mail. I'm not sure they have the kind of connection needed for him to get online.

I guess it's a good sign that looking at stuff like this doesn't upset me any more. I'd like to think Dad would have gotten a kick out of it, too.


  1. My father still gets mail, too, and it's been 5 years. Glad you've gotten to a point where you can laugh a little about it.

  2. Happy Thanksgiving, Eddie. Don't eat too little.

  3. Hi Eddie! Thanks for the Christmas discs and goodies! Dorian and I really appreciated them! (I would have e-mailed,, I don't have an e-mail address for you. Sorry!)
