Friday, February 10, 2006

When Mr. Gallopalooza Horse Met Mr. Swamp Thing

Dedicated to Mike Sterling.* Special thanks to Keith, for help with the photo editing in this and the previous post.

One day, Mr. Gallopalooza Horse

met Mr. Swamp Thing

in front of the Kentucky Center for the Arts.

Mr. Gallopalooza Horse said:

“My eyes are my ears!”

To which Mr. Swamp Thing replied:

“I’m chalk!”

And then they both went on their merry separate ways!


*Honestly, Mike, I'm not trying to be that gay cyber-stalker from Kentucky you always wanted. (You have always wanted one, though, right? I mean, doesn't everyone?) I did borrow the "I'm Chalk" pic from you, though, so some credit was due somewhere. I promise to go for at least a week before I mention you again! I'll stalk, uhm, Roger for a while, instead! OK?

1 comment:

  1. You'll notice I DIDN'T put together any of those graphic memes, just so's that I wouldn't be stalked. ALAS! It didn't work!!
