Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Bits of Midweek Goodness

I'm hoping it doesn't rain today, or at least not this afternoon. It's Waterfront Wednesday with Kevin Welch and Kieran Kane, and I don't want it to be rained out. Really, really don't want it to be rained out. Really.

I saw a notice in the paper yesterday about the Louisville Geek Dinner, so I just had to check out their web page, which had a link to a "geek test," which I just had to take. The result?

i am a major geek

I'm not surprised. Neither is anyone who knows me.

Speaking of Louisville, if you ever want to know what's happening here or in the surrounding area, here's a cool calendar from WHY Louisville, which is a pretty cool group in its own right.

I got an email about a new Americana concert series that's starting in June. First act is Joe Ely, with Tim Easton and Kim Richey in the works! Yay! The group that's putting these shows on is trying to raise support to put on a major music festival. I hope it works!

Need any Emmylou Harris lyrics?

Need help surviving the last days of the Bush presidency? It's only 965 more days, folks! We can make it! I just hope the rest of the world can too.

Fantagraphics is posting the first chapter of its 30th anniversary book, a few pages at a time.

That's all for now!

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