Tuesday, May 09, 2006

In Which Your Eddie-tor Babbles on a Tuesday

Spot checking

What color is the background you’re looking at right now? It’s supposed to be black, but when I checked for new comments when I was at work yesterday, it was white, which made everything else look awful, as the fonts are too light for a white background.

It made me look as if I know even less about what I am doing than I do, and I didn't think that was possible.

I think it’s back to the drawing board.

FBCD Wrap Up

Mike has some words on FBCD 2006 here.

The Absorbascon deconstructs the Archie FBCD book, and the results are hilarious. "Are they ambitextuals?"

Comics Reporter has one of Spurgeon's usual comprehensive lists of links to various sites with FBCD reports, plus some commentary of his own.

I actually made it to the local shop on Saturday. The crowd was light, but it was pretty early, not to mention Derby Day. I picked up my holds, got a few of the free books, chatted with the manager, and left. As in year’s past, they are actually running the promotion all week, to try and counter the drain that Derby has on business. I got the Owly and Scott Pilgrim books, since those are titles I’ve been meaning to check out for a while. My plan is to read them this week and then go back on payday (Friday) and buy the complete books, if I like the freebies. That way, FBCD has created a couple of purchases for my shop.

We also stopped in at Half-Price Books, where they had their own twist on FBCD going. The guy who manages their comic section really knows comics and is always creating little displays and such to tie in with what’s going on at the moment. He’d pulled some of their stock, left it in a short box at the counter, and made a couple of signs for their own Free Comic Book Day. It was a pretty cool idea! I like the idea of a non-Diamond customer finding a way to get in on the fun and promote the store's own comic section!

Finally, Roger made my day a little brighter today by opening his post with a picture of the Goddess of Music. Thanks, man! I needed that!

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