Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Sprucing Up the Place!

Just did a little repair work to the ole blogroll. Finally fixed the link for The Beat, so that it points to the new site, for one. After all, it's only been, what, several months since they moved? It was time.

Also added a link to the much heralded, much welcome, recently resurrected Journalista! (And there was much rejoicing!)

Added the Drawn and Quarterly blog.

Retitled the links section after my favorite Dr. Seuss book.

Added some new links sections, with links to follow some day:

Do Good!: Links to causes I endorse. Currently, the three sites that are there are "free click" sites that get support from the sponsors for every daily click they get. They're on the up and up. I use one of them as my home page, and click on through the others to start my a.m. surfing. Give it a try!

Louisville/Kentucky Music Resources: This will be links to local and regioanl bands, clubs, festivals, etc.

More Good Music!: Links to favorite artists.

Coming to Louisville?: Links to information about my fair city.

Places I Like to Go!: Some of my favorite travel destinations and thing to do and see in other cities.

1 comment:

  1. Well, I was looking over your blog and found EXACTLY what I was looking for. I'm looking for
    different ways for Eddie to express himself in his blog, such as blogroll maintenance, doing good and guides to Louisville.

    I made not red cent last month having fun!
