Monday, January 22, 2007

Saying this is still timely makes it so, right?

I’m claiming a New Year’s “grace period” for this post. I think I read somewhere that you had the entire month of January to get all your new Year’s sentiment out before you start looking dated, tacky, and disorganized. (Or maybe I’m making it up so that I don’t look as dated, tacky, and disorganized. Whatever.) If it's any consolation, I did write this about three weeks ago. I'm actually really good at writing the posts. It's the actual posting that I seem to find difficult.

Anyway, some wishes: To the loyal handful of you who check in here from time to time looking for that ever elusive new content: thanks for keeping the Eddie-torial faith.

To the even smaller group who’ve made my day with links and comments on that ever-elusive content: thanks for lifting my spirits, usually when I really needed it.

To the “nags” who seem to think it’s their duty to shake me out of the doldrums: y’all need a hobby or something! (Seriously, thanks for at least acting interested in what I might have to say.)

To the “real” bloggers out there who constantly amuse and amaze me with your daily doses of wit, talent, and insight and keep tied to the computer far longer than I should be: please explain to Keith why the laundry and the dishes aren’t done, uhm, thanks for both inspiring and intimidating me.

I want to be you guys when (if) I grow up.

And specifically:

To Roger: I hope that you and your family (especially Lydia) stay safe, happy, and healthy all year long, that you have a better time with bicycles this year, and that you get an office door.

To Chris and Kelly: I hope that this is the year you finally find an effective treatment for Kelly’s pain issues. I also hope that 2007 brings several fresh rounds of CD exchanges and maybe even a cool concert or two for you all. (Oh yeah, and I hope that new computer comes through for you all, pronto!)

To Mike: May 2007 bring you fewer annoying customers and more Swamp Thing comics. (Looks like that last part is already coming true!)

To Gordon: Best of luck with your job search, possible move and other life changes and decisions you’re grappling with. Keith and I are discussing the possibility of a trip to Chicago, so if you do move back there, then maybe we can check out the local comic and ice cream scene again! It was great meeting you this past summer.

To Dorian:
I wish you another year of using your power to piss off the misguided, but may you use it only for the good of humanity. I realize that means that some things have to stayed screwed up enough for you to take aim at them, but it’s so much fun to read and watch that I’m being selfish. And best of luck with your new project, too.

To Bully: I hope that your “fun comics” to “not fun comics” ratio is the best it’s ever been in 2007. And, I hope that you’re able to walk away from those comics that are consistently not much fun. Life’s too short to read un-fun comics, you know.

To Greg:
I wish you a year free of indie comic creator smack-downs!

Coming up: Some 2006 wrap-ups. (Live and recorded music are already done, but I’m having a lot of trouble with comics.) Plus, looking ahead to the rest of 2007, and some personal notes.


  1. And I wish you the most Ed-tastic year of them all!

  2. Thanks, Bully!

  3. I'm NOT taking responsibility for your dirty dishes!!

    But thanks for the kind words, the music and your insight.

    Those four guys w/ guitars were in Albany last year and I didn't see them (SIGH)...

  4. Oh man, Roger, did you miss a good one!
