Thursday, February 01, 2007


Couple of bits of bad news.

Molly Ivins has died.

Her voice, her wit, her intellect and her insight will be missed. Throughout the unmitigated disaster that has been the Bush presidency, she's been the proverbial voice crying in the wilderness. I can't imagine the 2008 presidential elections without her commentary. Sigh.

Marvin Finn has also died.

He leaves the world a less colorful place, but in a different way. I'm not sure how well known he was outside the city, but he and his art were one of the things that made Louisville special, especially the large public installation based on his colorful folk art at the Waterfront. The "Flock of Finns" is one of my favorite Louisville spots. I've always had a real fondness for folk art, and it was real cool to know that we had a prominent folk artist living here.

Pic from the Warefront web page.

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