Monday, July 09, 2007

Lightning Doesn't Always Strike Twice, You Know!

Okay, so it's lunchtime and I'm walking past the antique store again, and--lo and behold!--there's another box of comics sitting out front. This time the sign says they're a buck each.

Since I had some money left from the weekend, I stopped to take a look. (Like I would have just walked by even if I were broke!) This time it's a bunch of Archies from the late seventies andearly eighties, plus a ton of older Cracked magazines. Nothing that I'm the least bit interested in, unfortunately. My Cracked days are long behind me and I ditched most of my Archies from that era a while ago.

While I was looking the owner popped out again. "Ain't you the one that bought all them other comics?"

Me: "Yeah."

Owner: "Well, you're gonna buy all these too, ain't you?"

It's not easy to break an old man's heart, you know. I was as gentle as I knew how to be, even though I kind of felt like I had walked into a baited trap. Oh well....

On the other hand, I got a phone call late this afternoon about a batch of Treasure Chests that I was trying to buy from an estate sale.

It was actually at an old book bindery. The man who owned it had died at 97, and his family was selling the contents in preparation to sell the building. The place was just overflowing with all kinds of antique books, and TONS of other ephemera, including a stack of about 20 issues of Treasure Chest from the mid-50's.

They had their first estate sale week before last, and. of course, I had to go check the place out. I really wanted the Treasure Chests, but they were way more than I could afford. Last weekend, they opened the place up again and discounted everything that hadn't sold, including the comics. Unfortunately, they were still more than I could afford to pay for them.

Since none of them had sold, I decided nothing ventured meant nothing gained, so I made an offer on the lot. The woman coordinating the sale felt it was too low given that they had just marked them down, but she took my name and number, and said she'd call me after the sale was over and let me have whatever might be left at my price.

Well, I got the call today. Most of the lot was still there, so I'm going to pick them up tomorrow.

Once again, that'll pretty much wipe out my weekend yard sale dollars, but since I'm supposed to be cat-sitting this weekend, I probably wasn't going to get out to many anyway.

And a final note about buying comics: My LCS is going to be giving stuff away to celebrate its 30th anniversary!

From their email:


To Commemorate our doing business in Louisville for
30 Years, from 9am - 7pm, rain or shine, our parking lot
Will be filled with CDs, LPs, VHS, Toys, Books, Cassettes,
Posters and so much more!!
All for YOU to shop through and choose 5 items to take
ABSOLUTELY FREE!!! (No purchase required!)

To add to the excitement, you'll get 30% off all merchandise in the store -
not just Saturday, but also Friday and Sunday (July 20, 21, and 22), and daily
drawings for gift certificates, merchandise and T-Shirts.
Woo hoo!

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