Thursday, August 30, 2007

The Giant Floating Head knows the score

I'm not entering Kevin's showing, because this is a personal in-joke, but I do thank him for the opportunity to drag it out again. It's been that kind of week.


  1. Anonymous12:50 AM

    Fluker; he was the only man in town who could do that.. Head her to that clump of trees on the other side; the bank is lower there, and we can beach her.. Don't you think it would be wiser for me to walk home, William? That will warm me up.. He was got out at last, half coaxed, half hustled; and the gentle public only half understanding what had been set forth thus unexpectedly, made quite a pretty row of it.. The day before he had handed in a declaration of his income, which was perfectly honest, because he had little to declare. Something I can do for you? The affable merchant was trying to recall his customer's name. It rather succeeds with tolerable frequency in replacing these by formal characters of its own.. At sight of the glistening bar the whole moral structure of twenty years came tumbling down.. All this was in a vague notion, which everybody had and has, that this second life would eventually bring out some great results, unknown at present, to somebody somewhere.. He got him up so in the matter of ketching flies, and kep' him in practice so constant, that he'd nail a fly every time as fur as he could see him.. I am not certain, however, what year we are actually in, and the whole calculation falls into obscurity.. It is often difficult to find in his books short stories that one may be looking for, for the reason that the titles of the individual stories have been removed in order to make the books look like novels subdivided into chapters.. Such uncommon conduct in a woman like Mrs.. Well, now, that's suthin' like.. At ten o'clock the gas will be turned off, and no further Puns, Conundrums, or other play on words will be allowed to be uttered, or to be uttered aloud.. Ross growled like a stoned cur.. I sat by her side, looking into her eyes, smoothing her hair, folding her to my heart, which was sunken and deep--why not forever?--in that dream of peace.. Let us, however, keep to the fact--this is the key to the theory of repression--that the second system is capable of occupying an idea only when it is in position to check the development of pain emanating from it.. Once more he lifted up his mighty voice: Drunk, drunk, drunk, drer-unc, drer-unc, -erunc, -unc, -unc.. It compels us to pursue the inner meaning of the dream in these productions...

  2. I am in awe. That's got to be the mother of all comment spam.

  3. you got a comment from joe fludd on my metablogging post
