Thursday, April 03, 2008

Salvage Week: Oh Frabjous Day!

I bought two of my favorite 2007 CD releases on the same day last year. It had been a really tiring week and I headed to Ear X-Tacy to check out some new music. I was really surprised to find both of them, because I had not heard they were coming out, but it was a nice treat after a busy week. I started putting together this post, but never got around to finishing it. Since I like the songs and the artists and the vids so much, I'm salvaging it now.

Night Falls Over Kortedala by Jens Lekman

This video isn't on the Kortedala CD, but it's my favorite Lekman song and video, so I'm using it instead. I'm just that way, I guess, but the CD is pretty awesome. It's got more of a folkie-confessional song kind of bent to it, but with a kind of skewed, quirky perspective to it that makes it fun to listen to over and over.

We Are the Pipettes by The Pipettes

This one is on their album. What can I say? I just love these girls! (For a bunch of different reasons!) This is another CD I'm still playing over and over again. Plus, the one guy lurking off to the side in the video is kind of cute.

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