Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Behold! The World's Sweetest Kitty!

Yes, it's a cat blog post. Get over it. She's our little old scraggly-voiced sweet loving Bennie cat and I'll post about her if I want to!

I was messing around with my camera the other day and took these shots of her on the couch. She looked so cute, I just had to use them. She looks pretty good for an old woman of 18, huh?

She's at that age where she pretty much sleeps most of the time, but she has her active moments. Her lap detector goes off frequently, compelling her to the nearest sitting down person for a visit. she still good for a love nibble or two and an affectionate head butt. Jumping from my chair to the couch is not a problem for her, neither is getting in my chair. She started having problems getting in the bed a few years ago, so we got some steps for her, which she loves. She's not the little kitty who could jump up on top of doors (really!) any more, but she's not ready for a wheel chair yet either.

There she is, folks! You can see the marks of age on her, but she's as much a cutie pie now as she was the day we brought her and her sister into the house as babies. They were all ears and tail then. out of all the cats we've had, I can honestly say that she's the only one who has never had a single habit or behavorial issue that we had to deal with. She's just always been the best.

She's always been the low kitty on the totem pole in our house. Basil was the leader and she was always the follower. Then, when the boys came along, they both pushed her aside for higher positions. But she doesn't mind. She knows two things:

1. She's a better hunter than any of them. She's caught more mice than the much bigger, faster, younger boys.

2. She's more clever than they are. She knows all she has to do is hiss at one of the boys and they'll get in trouble for bothering her.

She was supposed to have been a boy, but turned out to be a girl. We thought Bennie was a good name for a girl too, so we kept it. It was to be short for Benedict (as in Saint Benedict), but now it's short for Benedicta.

Her full name is Gratia-Plena Benedicta Scholastica Maria-Theresa Guadalupe Evans-Mitchell. Quite a mouthful for such a little lady, huh? You can just call here "Bennie." She'll probably strike up a conversation with you if you do, she's always liked to talk.

World's Sweetest Kitty. Can there be any doubt who it is?

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