Saturday, September 04, 2010

Holiday Weekend Eve

Well, I made it through the first week of the new part-time gig (henceforth NPTG) oay. It's pretty much right up my alley and I enjoy it tremendously. I only wish it was a few more hours a week, but it will work temporarily.

So I'm sitting for the weekend. Pet-sitting, that is. I'm staying in a top floor loft and keeping a 20 year old kitty (really!) company while her Daddies are away on a trip. I've been staying with her from time to time for a few years now. There are a couple of folks that I house/pet sit fir. It's a nice gig to have from time to time. It's like getting away without leaving town, so I try to treat it like a mini-vacation, with the added bonus of a little cash for doing it. It's also I good chance to veg out with some DVD's and a good book or two.

But not this weekend. It's Labor Day weekend which is a good time for yard sales in town, so I'll be out on the junk hunt. I did break 500 last month with the booth, so this time around, I'm looking too see if I can try it again. That means I got to keep the merch coming in. Luckily, there's severa; chances to do that this weekend.

Today, of course, is the above-mentioned yard saling. I've still gotta work out my route and such, but I know I'll be out there. Tomorrow, I'll be at the big flea market at the Fairgrounds. And, on Monday, I'll be hitting the half-price sale at one of the biggest thrifts in town.

All in all, a pretty full weekend for the hunt. I'll post more about my adventures as they happen. Have a good weekendl

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