Monday, March 07, 2011

Bits and Pieces

Just another bunch of randomness...

So I go to my booth last week for my regular stock and clean, just like I usually do.  I always start out walking through all the spaces and collecting items that don't belong to me.  When I go to my wall of religious items, I found that someone had turned all of my crucifixes upside down.  All of them.  Now we know.  Satanists like to look for bargains at flea markets too.

(Sorry no pic. I have got to start taking my camera with me.)

I took a hammer and nails with me, so I hung most of the crucifixes and religious plaques up on the wall around the shelves.  It makes that space stand out a little more and will probably keep the Satanists and vampires at bay for now.

I'm planning on having an actual written (non-video entry) written for every day this week.  I'm working on the booth report right now.  Did expanding make me rich or cost me my shirt?  Find out tomorrow!  I'm also going to start doing a monthly recap of the books I read the previous month.  You can find out what a well-educated, well-read kind of guy I am!  Or not, as the case maybe.  Mostly not.  I've got a couple of three things atarted for each of the other days, but haven't decided which way I'm going to lean yet, so you'll just have to wait and see.

Speaking of video entries, there was some kind of snag on a couple of my entries from last week and the videos didn't show.  I think it's fixed now.  So, if you really wanted to see Jenny Lewis and Jonathan Rice doing "Love Hurts" or Guy Clark and Emmylou Harris doing "Dublin Blues" now is your chance!

I went cat-sitting for a couple of days last week, which put my dear buddy Kosh over the edge while I was gone.  Since we lost Bennie, he doesn't deal well with changes in the household at all, particularly when it involves me.  If I just start getting stuff ready to take to the booth, he starts wandering the house with his worried look.  Poor guy!  When I got home, he was GLUED to my lap!

The weather is warming and staying warm, during the day at least.  It's still cold enough in the morning for a coat, but it all means Spring is one the way.  Yay!  It also means lots of rain around here too.  It rained a lot on Saturday, but fortunately, there were a lot of indoor sales to go to.

I guess that's enough on the babble front.  Before I go, I do want to send out good flea market vibes to Mari-Jo, who just opened her own booth.  Good luck with it and I hope you have fun!

Oh, yeah, and a great big Happy Birthday to my buddy Roger Green!


  1. Anonymous10:55 AM

    wow! this is as famous as I've ever felt. :)
    thanks- you truly inspire my selling attitude- I appreciate your willingness to share!
    Now I gotta keep up with blogging...

  2. Wow! I've never been called an inspiration before. I do hope you enjoy your booth as much as I do mine. Let me know if I can do anything to help.
