Monday, January 06, 2014

Monday Rambles

Crawling up from the wreckage here, folks.  I've been battling a cold since Thursday and have mostly been losing.  I haven't been out of the house since then, which has played havoc on the things  I was trying to get done. 

I'm feeling a little better, so I'm thinking I'll go to the booth, but the weather is truly frightful, so I might not.  I just don't know.

I did manage to get some things done last week before I started getting sick, just not enough.  I managed to get all the Xmas stuff cleared out of the booth last Monday.  I had it all put up, when the manager asked me if I was going to have a sale on my Xmas stuff on New Year's Day.  I didn't know we were going to be able to do that on New Years, which is weird because it's something I first asked about doing a couple of years ago! 

So, I grabbed a tote of ornaments and put them back out (sigh!) for 25% off.  Nothing sold.  Now they're still sitting there, since I haven't been able to get back over there.  I should have quit while I was ahead.  Sometimes, I think life is out to get me.

I got the Secret Project started last week, but it still needs a little bit done before I can announce it to the world.  It started off nicely though.

I have to work two nights this week, but no days, so I still have some time to catch up on somethings.  I'm meeting with one of my college room mates for coffee, which should be fun.  Plus, I need to get my thrift on for the first time in 2014.

Kind of boring, I guess, for a Monday Rambles, but sometimes that's all I got.  I'm going to lay back down for a bit.  Hope you all are doing well.


  1. So sorry you're not feeling up to par. Hopefully you're on the mend. This is the season for it I guess. Have you tried chicken soup? Evidently there really is something to it for help when you have a cold!

  2. Hope your cold is on its way to gone really soon. I didn't sell any "Christmas" stock after Christmas although I left it in until the 31st. Now I have 6 boxes to sort through, reprice/donate/pack away for next year. I am going to put Christmas stock in in early October especially the ceramic trees and nativity pieces. I waited until after Halloween this year and that was to late good sales. Christmas ornaments in Sealers did ok though.

  3. Feel better soon, Eddie.
