Friday, May 30, 2014

I am in the land of the living

My dog/house sitting ventures usually take me off the grid for a few days, so I apologize.  I've been house-sitting for various folks for nearly two decades now.  Usually, it's folks who don't like leaving their pets alone and pay for someone to stay with them.  A lot of times their animals needs meds or have special feeding times or need lots of walks or some other special need.  They tend to prefer having their babies at home, rather than in a kennel, because it's less stressful on the pet.

Most of my clients have moved away over the years, so I'm down to this one, and I go over their a couple of times a year.  When I started, she had an aging dog who has since passed on.  Shortly after that, she took in her father's cocker spaniel, who is blind and deaf.  (I stayed at her house for a couple of months a few years ago while her father was in the final stages of cancer.)

It's always fun to stay over there.  It's kind of like a mini-vacation.  I tend to get a lot of relaxing done, because I'm not surrounded by things that need doing around here.  I watch movies and read comics.  And nap.  A lot.

One thing I don't get done is a lot of online things, like blogging.  In the past, I have had little to no wireless access there.  I did discover that the internet access there at the house has been upgraded, but I didn't realize it until my last afternoon there.  I could have been keeping up with things!  Next time, I'll know.

Anyway, that's where I've been this time.  I'll try to get things up to snuff around here over the next week.  After I finish dealing with my own clingy kitties, of course.  They get really needy when I come back after being gone for a while!


  1. Being the owner of 3 cats and now a puppy, there is no better feeling than knowing you can go away and leave your furry kids at home with someone who is loving and trustworthy. Kennels suck. Those people are so lucky to have you house/pet sit for them and it's also nice that you had some relaxing down time while you were there.

  2. I wish you lived closer, I would avail myself of your services. We never go far from home because we won't leave our dog in a kennel.
