Monday, June 16, 2014

Monday Rambles

I forgot to get a "What's in Mazda?" shot on Saturday.  We were busy trying to get unloaded fast, because Keith was supposed to go camping.  He needed to make his own Mazda load!  I did get some pics of the large items after I got them put out.

I can now cross one of these tables off my hunting wish list.

Never met a school desk I did not want.

Ignore the background. Admire the foreground.

Something about kids' furniture.

More school desk love.
Most of the above came from a pre-school that is closing.  They were having a "pick what you want and make an offer" sale.  The school was run by one of the older churches near downtown, and the older pieces came from the basement.  They wanted me to look at the riding toys down there, but it was the table and desk that caught my eye.

I also got boxes and tubs of games and toys, but I haven't had time to go through them, so no pics yet.  Great combination of educational games and toy cars, though.  Good, good stuff.  Interestingly, I was the only one there for a long time and we got there just after they opened.  Some dude did come by and made them an offer of a hundred bucks for everything in the building.  They said they'd need to have a little more than that, so he left.

I did go to a couple of other sales, including a church sale with old lady ten-cent pricing and vintage Christmas!  I've been having a vintage Xmas drought for the past couple of years, but it really seems to have lifted this year.

As you can see from the above pictures, I'm having a little bit of a space layout issue.  I've spent so much time worrying about having enough items (and larger items) in the space, but the layout has taken back seat.  Now I feel satisfied with what I have in the space, so I need to work on how it's placed.  I've pretty much just been putting things in empty spaces up to now.  I have an idea, but I'm not sure how it will work.  We'll see, I guess.

I'm holding off on putting any new smalls out, because I'm having a 20% off sale this weekend.  Since I'm not going to be focusing on restocking, I'll be looking more at arrangement.   I have to confess that I have an unhealthy admiration for the old junk shop owner with stuff crammed into every nook and cranny with no rhyme or reason.  I have to find a way to modify that with a little customer friendliness.  I never had these issues when all I had was an 8x10 booth!

My other task this week is to get ready for our next sidewalk sale at the Peddlers Mall on Saturday.  A lot of what I got from my uncle last week is going into the sidewalk sale--old tools, tons of vintage smalls,  jars, bottles, and a bunch of fun stuff.  I'm also going to have comics and manga, small furniture, and a ton of books.  I'm planning on having eight tables worth of stuff.  Go big or go home baby! 

If I remember, I'll get some pics throughout the week and of the sale.  Content will be pre-planned and somewhat light this week (think bad jokes) due to all the activity.  Have a good week.

1 comment:

  1. That first table is great! I wouldn't be able to sell it. But, it's my sort of thing. Good luck on your sale. I have my whole booth 25% off this month and I am told we were MOBBED this weekend, so I hope I cleared out some stuff. Happy week to you!
