Monday, June 23, 2014

Monday Rambles

I'm still pretty wiped out from the weekend, so this will be more of a short run-down bullet type list than an actual post. I hope you'll forgive me.  More substantial content coming in a few days.

Spent most of last week at the Peddlers Mall--every afternoon and all day on Friday--getting the booth cleaned and stocked and ready for the big sale day.

Did not get everything I wanted done, but I got a lot done.

Had way more empty spaces in my booth that I realized.  Fixed that.

Still need to fix the comic area.  The layout there is problematic.

Managed to totally screw up my storage even more than it already was.  Need to fix that.

Got most of my layout issues worked out.  Booth has better flow now.

Pulled many items from booth for the outdoor sale.  Marked them way the hell down.

Brought over a van load from the shed at home for outdoor sale, mostly stuff from my uncle.

Planned to set up nine tables outside, but ended up with only seven after deciding not to pull two tables from the booth.

 Made and posted signs for my 20% off sale.

Arrived at 7 on Saturday to start setting up outside.  Sale officially started at 10.  Was ready by 8:30 to greet early birds, who all turned out to be really jerky flea market dealers.

Sold. Sold. Sold. Sold. Sold. Sold. Sold.

Had a really good day outside.  Did better than any previous outdoor sale.

Have a couple of stories to share from sale.  That will come later.

Sold a ton of stuff.  Had two tons to begin with.  Still had ton left.  Did get rid of large booth clunkers.  Happy dance.

Sold half of leftover ton to another dealer in bulk lot.  Left with just half ton of stuff to deal with.  happier dance.

Leftover half ton will be this week's restock at booth.

Set one day sales record for booth inside.  Nearly passed out when I saw the total!  Happiest dance.

Think I may have sold every Bible in the booth.  Need to find more Bibles.

Very very happy with indoor and outdoor sales on Saturday.  More happy dancing.

Also very tired.  Stumbled home and crashed.

Woke up Sunday with sinus headache.  Took meds and crashed.

Not going to booth today.  Mini-break. Will start back tomorrow.

Going to thrift after work instead.

And eat Mexican food.

This is last week of work for summer.  After Thursday, will be off until July 7.

No sales email for Sunday = no sales on Sunday.  Sad dance.
UPDATE:  Sales email went to Spam folder for some reason.  Never happened before.  Strong sales Sunday = Close to record month to date = more happy dancing!  


  1. Whoa! Busy weekend. Hope you are feeling better. Good sales :)

  2. Well you did a bunch of happy dancing even if Sunday had a sad dance.

  3. I'd really enjoy seeing a sad dance. It just conjures up all sorts of visions! *Sounds like a very busy and productive weekend!
