Monday, June 30, 2014

Monday Rambles

Drumroll, please!

We have a new record!  I had my total highest booth sales ever in June, 2014!  Despite the summer doldrums, somehow I managed to sell into the


for the first time ever!

I've gotten into the upper threes quite a bit over the years, but have never broken that four digit mark, until now.  I'm still shaking over it, honestly.

Now this is gross sales, before the rent and commission comes out.  My check will be considerably less, but will still be one of the biggest I have gotten.  I've always felt that I needed to grow my gross sales to a certain level, then work on the net, which is really just growing the gross some more, but don't spoil my convoluted business theories.

Actually, one of my goals for my sales was to be in four digit gross by the end of 2014.  Since I had to take additional space to accommodate a store closing, I figured that I needed to make it pay.  I just didn't expect it would start so soon.  I've only been operating at my current level for two months, after all.

The challenge now is sustainability.  It doesn't do me any good if this is a one time event.  No resting on the laurels here!  I have to start working on my next goal:  the four digit net.  I've set a deadline for that one of December 2015.  We'll see.

I just can't believe I wasted all that time trying to have booths in other stores where it clearly wasn't working.  I thought that was the only way to grow my sales totals.  If I had spent the two years I wasted doing that on growing my base at the Peddlers Mall, I could have hit this level a long time ago!

Ah, hindsight!

Moving on to other topics:

I am off work this week.  Today is a stay at home and play day.  Or rather rest a bit.  Clean a bit.  Organize the shed a bit.  And maybe read some comics a bit.  Tomorrow is junking with my uncle and work on the booth day.  Wednesday is more booth day.  And Thursday will be about organizing my storage at the booth.  Friday, I'll probably chill and eat chili dogs.  (See what I did there?)  Saturday is closing day at the thrift downstairs from the booth, so I'll make a stop there.  Won't be much yard sale action, anyway.  Sunday, I'll go the big flea.

And then next Monday, I'll return to work, so I can get a little rest!

Actually, my work hours are weird right now.  Even though summer has officially just begun, our summer session is over.  When I go back to work, it will be on severely reduced hours--about half my usual total.  That goes on for two weeks and then we start back on regular sessions (ie the "fall schedule") on July 21.  

No Mazda shot this week.  Wasn't really that full.  No drama in a piddly Mazda load.  I'll have some finds picks later in the week.  My main stop was an estate sale run by my favorite company.  I would have been there regardless, but they also had comics!  Yay!

Finally, I word about that double post on Saturday.  I was trying to save that glamour shot for this Tuesday and thought I was scheduling it for then.  Instead, I accidentally set it up for last Tuesday.  (Does senility start at 49?)   I didn't realize it until your comments started showing up in my email.  Since it had already hit your feeds, the surprise was spoiled, so I didn't want to take it down and re-post it on Tuesday, so I just moved it to Saturday, for the sake of smooth posting continuity.  I was also afraid that someone might think it was an old post if I left it on the 24th and not see it.  What is the point of getting dressed up in your tropical finery if people don't get to see it because of a silly techno-user glitch?

Have a good week!


  1. Eddie - you are a booth ROCKSTAR! That is awesome! I've never hit the four digits - ever! It's fun to do our junking thing and still make a little coin too!

    Enjoy your week.

  2. Congrats on the four digits!

  3. Your hard work is paying off! Congrats!! It's a never ending effort though so keep on saling! Have a great week and enjoy the 4th!
