Monday, July 28, 2014

Monday Rambles

I'm a bit behind on just about everything this week, since I'm still adjusting to last week's schedule change.  I feel like I didn't get anything done last week!  The older I get, the harder time I have changing routines.  Even though I was only on summer schedule for a month and a half, that was enough for me to get out of the groove, especially with evening work.  Hopefully, I can get things pulled together this week.

I'm about to wrap up another really good month at the Peddlers Mall!  I met last month's total yesterday.  Since that was a record total, that means that this month is going to be a new record, even if I only sell a few dollars each day this week.  Despite all of this, August makes me nervous.  It's typically a lower sales month, since school starts and the State Fair (which takes place in Louisville) runs for two weeks in the middle of the month.  We'll just see, I guess.  Nothing to do but forge ahead and keep working.

Yard sales were very good this weekend.  We started off in our neighborhood, following some signs I had seen on Friday night.  Some lead to fun finds and good stories.  Others, well, there's a reason I call them Deliverance yard sales.

The first sale we hit was being run by these three older ladies who had the most fascinating stories about every item they had.  When one of them told me that the metal statue of Our Lady of Lourdes came from France. "where I lived as a young lady,"  I told her that she seems to have had the most fascinating life.  They all laughed and then said that there wasn't enough time for them to tell even half of it.

Right around the corner, was a moving sale with awesome prices and vintage treasures.  I found something there that I have been hunting a long time.  (You'll have to wait until Wednesday to see it.)  We had paid for our stuff and were loading the van, when this older man came out of the house, causing Keith to do a double take.  Turns out the sale was being run by this man he's known for years!  We'd seen him around the neighborhood from time to time, but I didn't know that we lived so close to each other.

Then we went to a sale in an alley where all the furniture was supposed to be five dollars.  That's because it was all curb finds.  Not the good kind of curb finds mind you, but crap that was put on the curb because it was crap.  I told Keith I wasn't going to pay five dollars for something that big and heavy and ugly that I would be lucky to get ten dollars for when I sell it.  A lot of things at this sale had booth tags on them.  It was a failed booth yard sale.  I've seen a lot of them and most of them aren't very pretty.

We also hit a church sale where the cashier couldn't add or subtract.  I told Keith that person must have been the only one to volunteer for the job.  We walked into one social club sale where they announced that "most things" were now one half off.  The "most things" didn't seem to include anything I was picking up, however.  The person running the sale was saying one thing and they cashiers were saying something different, so I started putting things back and very politely saying "No thank you."  All of a sudden, confronted with the fact that I wasn't going to buy these things, they became half price items!

So what was in Mazda?  Well, here's the big stuff:

Vintage child's rocker with cushions

Two green stools

Triangular end table

Handmade stool

Painted trunk/chest

Vintage metal trash can
 I love stuff like old office trash cans, because they have such a utilitarian look.  You can see some of the smalls peeking out of the can, but you'll have to wait until tomorrow to see them.

In the meantime, do yourself a favor and pop over to Roger's blog and read the amazing acrostics she did as part of her homework.  She's obviously got a creative bent and is developing a fun sense of humor.  I think you'll enjoy them.  Roger, you should be very proud her (which I know you are).  She's pretty special.


  1. I especially like the chest. BTW, I'm listening to Red Dirt Girl.

  2. Good finds! I hate sales where they keep changing the prices...I walk away! Love the smalls and can't wait to see what you found!
