Monday, August 18, 2014

Monday Rambles

Oh my!  Where to begin?  Is it another week already?  Why, yes.  Yes, it is!  Ugh!

My main stressor from these past couple of weeks is still hanging out there, like some kind of Sowrd of Damocles waiting to smash down on my cute little head.  It has receded a bit, though, so it's not quite so pressing and threatening.  It's not ruiung my present right now, even though it's still threatening to make a mess in the future.  I've got a little more prep time before that hits, so it might not be as bad.  I still can't talk about it in detail, because others are involved and I don't yet have their okay.  I'd certainly appreciate your thoughts and support in the days ahead.  I'll spill the beans when I can.

I spent Friday in an all day training for work that actually turned out to be more useful than I thought it would be.  Of course, putting it into practice will be a lot more difficult than it seemed in the sanitary training environment.  Things get so much messier when you involve real people.

I worked at the booth all day on Saturday, so no sales to report.  I think this weekend will be a work on the house weekend, so most likely no yard sales then either, although I will probably hit a few in the neighborhood.

My sales at the booth did slow down a tad when the double whammy of school and the fair hit, but not nearly as badly as in the past.  In fact, I am running way ahead of even the past couple of months!  This could be another record month, unless things bottom out in the last half of the month.  Even if that happens, I'll still have a good month, thanks to the strong first half.

Posts will most likely be light this week.  There's just too much going on at the booth and work. I may sneak a photo post in, if I can.

My query from yesterday still stands.  Anyone who can tell me what that thing is on about will be deemed by me as a wise person for the ages.  However if we never figure it out, my favorite answers so far are Pat ('homocidal tendencies") and Lynn ("belly buttons").  Lynn actually had the same idea I did!

Happy belated birthday to Shara, who celebrated with a couple of celebrities and, um, a dead person!    


  1. Sending positive thoughts your way as this week starts. I would love to know what that 'thing' was also! I do love the Belly Button answer. Hang in there, it's a bit of a bumpy ride here also but I'm going to make it I'm sure!

  2. Aw shucks, you are sweet! Speaking of birthdays, I'm thinking that might be what the bent glass tray is about - people forget them and kid about them but they all have them. I dunno. It's weird!

  3. Hey, maybe Shara has the answer. I had to read one more post and will be back to read more. Booth sales here surprisingly good for back to school.

  4. good luck with the thing!

  5. Oh no! Not the sword of Damocles! ( goes to look that up).

  6. I finally found your blog recently and I shopped your booth yesterday! Yay! Found some goodies and, honestly, you have the best booth in the whole mall!
