Sunday, August 24, 2014

What's in Mazda?

Yesterday was wooo-eeeee awesome!  I made it to every sale on my list (which doesn't always happen) and found treasure at nearly every sale.  Take a look at Mazda:

I love Mazda!
And that's not all of it! We had to go back to one house after we unloaded to pick up a cool work table that just wouldn't fit in this load.  It was an awesome day of finds and experiences.  I'll talk more about a couple of the experiences tomorrow and show some of the smalls on Tuesday and Wednesday.

In the meantime, here's a peek at some of the stuff:

A box of terra-cotta artwork

The little caption on this pic reads "Saved."  I love it!

Mysterious heavy metal pot

I'll have a better shot of this later in the week.


  1. My favorite is the Victorian dog print in the great frame. I see some delightful finds stuffed in there.

  2. So nice to read that you had a great day saling. Glad somebody did! Will look forward to more pictures of your finds.

  3. Really great that you found some stuff. I'm sure you are going to have a good fall selling! And it's only 121 days til Christmas!

  4. Awesome! I love coming home with my car full :D

  5. Wow! Congrats on such a huge haul! That dog/cat picture is basically a meme from back in the day right? Ha!
