Monday, September 01, 2014

Happy Labor Day!

I'm on  blog break due to the holiday.  Monday Rambles will appear on Tuesday this week.  No yard sales to speak of this weekend, so instead of a Mazda shot, here's my granny cart shot from the big flea today.  More on the contents tomorrow.

Keith saw this when he came to pick me up and said, "What?  No rocking chair on top?"

In other news, Kosh started helping with the laundry.


  1. Kitties are too curious for their own good. Azalee likes to jump in the dryer with the warm clothes. Are those real Parson tables stacked there?

  2. Labour Day - great day for a flea market. The mall I sell in was hopping today (crowded)l, hope there were lots of sales.

  3. I do love how cats are so curious! That cart is great and my Mom has one EXACTLY like that...same liner and everything! and yes she is a little old lady!

  4. Hope you found some good stuff - the tables look neat! We got back from our trip last night but my suitcase didn't make it. We only had a 3 hour layover in Newark - how much time did they need, I wonder!!
