Wednesday, October 29, 2014


One of the most interesting things I have found lately is this gem:

It's a pedestal or some kind of column and it's ceramic.  It was pretty filthy when I found it, but it cleaned up really well.  Take a close look at the face at the top:

Zeus?  Yahweh?  Odin?  I've never really seen anything like it.  It has a religious tinge to it and makes me think of sacrifices, but it's definitely a column and not an altar.  It's far too narrow for that.  The imagery rules it out as any kind of ancient Hebrew item, but the old guy sure does look like some of the depictions of God I used to see in Sunday School.

There's a different image on every side.  Some are slightly racy, if you think semi nude ladies are racy.  This one reminds me of the birth of Aphrodite, except for the dude hanging on to her.

Seems like she would be a little chilly like that.
 There are some things that seem to just lie in wait for me to come and buy them.  This would definitely be one of them.  I fell in love with it when I saw it.  I feel like the King of the Oddball Finds sometimes.


  1. MY EYES! Nekkid ladies......

    That is interesting to say the least. Hope you find out more about it. That's half the fun!

  2. Love this and its so unusual! You do find the best things!

  3. Maybe it's Noah, with the two animal heads right by him and all.

  4. Can't wait to see if you find more about it. Sure is an unusual piece.
