Tuesday, November 04, 2014

Birthday Rambles

And today, I am the big 5-0!  Half century!  Woo hoo!  I keep waiting for someone to give me the golden birthday crown.  I thought it would be waiting on the porch for me this morning, but no.

We'll be trotting off to vote this morning in just a few.  I hope the line isn't too long, since I have to make it to the cancer center after that.  Birthday election days make me nervous.  There have been a few in my life, and they don't always go the way I would like.  You'd think being the birthday boy would mean I would get to choose the winner, but the system doesn't seem to work that way.  Still, there's a certain senior Senator from Kentucky that I would love to see get the boot today.  If that were to happen, this would be a happy birthday indeed.

Please remember to do your civic duty and go vote.  Do it as a birthday observance, if nothing else.  Cheaper than a card, after all.  Even if all your votes cancel all mine out, please vote.

I spent the weekend starting the annual birthday thrifting run.  In case you're newer around here, every year, starting the weekend before my birthday and running through the weekend after, we have a massive orgy of thrift store runs, Halloween clearance shopping, flea market raids, and any yard sales we can find.  It's my grand stock up for winter spree.

Saturday was FREEZING, but we did hit two yard sales.  Due to the temps, we didn't head out until about ten (and it was still COLD), but we got some great deals, because the sellers were giving up and packing it in.  We also went to one store that I know goes to 75% off on their Halloween on November 1, only to find that this year they did not.  Then we started thrifting.

I needed to go move into my new booth set up in the new store, so I planned the thrift route to go right over the bridge and across the river.  I had hoped to do some shopping while I was in the mall, but did not have time.  It took five solid hours of work to get everything moved and set up.  I also decided to price and put out the majority of the day's purchases right then.  It was exhausting, but worth it.  My sales picked up right away and for the past two days have been at the same level as the other store.  Woo hoo!

It's not perfect just yet, but it's workable for the moment.  The previous vendor left all this really crappy beat up shit in the booth that she had used for displays.  I'm talking really crappy, crappy stuff:  a computer desk with none of the parts attached, a china hutch with no drawers, an entertainment stand with no shelves.  And all of it had really badly done swatches of maroon :accent" painting that was supposed to tie it all together--a shelf here, a drawer front there, one piece of trim out of seven pieces, etc.  I think it was supposed to look shabby and eclectic, but it really just looks like someone watched HGTV while on a pot binge.

The mall said the vendor didn't want to move all that crap out and that I could have it if I wanted.  I'm still needing some more fixtures for display, so I kept most of it.  I did however throw away the Rubbermaid storage drawer tower that did not have any drawers in it.  It had been used as a shelf!  Can you believe it?  I think I can sue HGTV over that one.  The rest of it I have priced real cheap.  I have no reason to keep it for too long, but most of it is huge and heavy and I am not too inclined to try and haul it out.  I sold one of the shelves while I was setting the space up.  The customer hated the maroon paint on the trim, but loved my five dollar price.

If it's still there after the holidays, I'll take a chainsaw and wood chipper to it, but for right now I can live with it.  I'll have some pics as soon as I can remember to take them.  I forgot on Saturday.

Well, today is also big treatment day #1.  I will make everyone at the cancer center sing to me.  I think they should also let me be in charge for the day, but I would probably order free pain killers for everyone, so maybe that's not the best idea.  I want a special hat though.

I'll update you all tomorrow with all the details on the treatment.  I'm just hoping that my veins decide to cooperate this time around.  Tonight, if I am up to it, we are going to my favorite local restaurant to eat.  I intend to be up to it.  Cancer meds or no, I only get to eat at Zen Garden a couple of times a year.  No damn melanoma on my freaking spleen is going to make me miss this one. 


  1. A very Happy Birthday to you Eddie!! I hope the election goes your way so that certain Senator gets the boot. My birthday wish for you is for health and happiness and I hope your first treatment goes well today so you can enjoy your special dinner. Hugs, Lorraine :-)

  2. HGTV on a pot binge HAHAHAHA! That must explain some of the refinished junk I see here in Colorado...
    Sending healing thoughts to you on your birthday! Pat

  3. Happy Birthday Eddie. I'am hoping that your veins are very cooperative today and always.

  4. Happy, Happy B-Day!!! Hope you will feel like eating and thrifting a ton. I am off to vote.

  5. Just realized: you have the same birthday as Walter Cronkite. But he was older, I THINK.

    Oh, you have to fix that About Me section of your blog. "Late forties," eh?

  6. Happy Birthday Eddie! The BIG 5-0 is Ok but your's is starting out with a not so fun event! BUT...you must go out to eat and enjoy the end of your day. So excited that the new booth is doing better. More junk More junk is my birthday motto also. Sending you big hugs, a gold crown and healing thoughts today.

  7. Happy Big 5-0 Eddie! I wish I had a gold crown to send to you but, at my age, mine is a tad tarnished ;-) Enjoy a hearty birthday dinner!!

  8. My blogging buddy Linda sent me over! Wishing you all the best for your milestone birthday, and sending healing positive thoughts for your treatment. I just kniw you've got this covered!

  9. What a big day you are having! I pray it all goes the way you want it and need it to go! I should have sent you a gorgeous glittery golden crown. Dangit.

  10. Happy 50th Birthday Eddie. Great progress on setting up a new space, can't believe you got it done in one long session, that is a huge job. Hugs for you today and enjoy your special dinner. If the drugs work the way chemo does your day should be fine today.

  11. Happy Birthday. Happy Election Day. Happy First Day of Kick Cancer to the Curb Day.

  12. Gosh I go away on a little vacation and come back to read you have to go through more treatments? WTH

    Happy belated birthday and I'm hoping your yesterday wasn't too bad. I'm keeping you in my prayers, Eddie.

  13. HAPPY BELATED 'Eddie Day'!
    ...hmmm "HGTV on a pot binge".... interesting?!! 8-)

  14. Happy belated birthday, Eddie. Hope you got out for your birthday dinner.
