Thursday, November 27, 2014

Grateful Updates

Hello from Arkansas!  We arrived yesterday afternoon after seemingly endless miles of road construction.  Seriously, everywhere!

Today we're eating with Keith's mom and visiting some of the family.  Tomorrow, we'll visit some more of the family and eat some more.  Maybe we'll do some shopping too.  Saturday, we say good-bye and head back home to Chiquito.  The cat sitter says he's doing fine, but we miss the little booger.

I hope you all feast well and visit well and travel safely!  Enjoy today and remember how thankful I am to have each of you in my life!

Hugs all around!


  1. Thankful that we are online friends Eddie. Have great visits, eat well, travel safe.

  2. So happy to hear you are having a good time and visiting family and friends. I'm so very grateful for you being in my life also!

  3. So glad you made it to your destination safe and sound. I'm thankful for you as well Eddie. Enjoy your visit!

  4. So glad you two made the effort to go see 'Mom', and that you are 'the worse for wear' from your journey! ENJOY every minute of it!! Happy Holiday!
