Saturday, November 15, 2014

Retro Y'all!

I usually post these without comment, since I want the music to stand on its own, but I do have to say a few things here.

This song always makes me think of my mother, who was a feisty thing.  When I was in about fourth grade, I had a teacher who liked to take my glasses away or make the kids who glasses change pairs.  I have no idea what that was about.  She eventually got fired after she tied a student to a pencil sharpener.  Anyway, when my mother found out about the glasses thing, the fur really flew.  She loved a good scrap, my mom.

After she died, I listened to this song over and over for several weeks.  She loved it. 


  1. I love this song and I'm glad it brings you great memories about your Mom!!

  2. How nice to have a song that reminds one of a loved one I have a song that when ever playing reminds me of my stepson Jeremy~

  3. Songs can bring up good memories and I am glad this one brings those up about your Mom. As for that teacher - there is a special place in Hell for her, I am sure!

  4. Great song. But I had to laugh at the camera work. JCR his hidden by the post when she starts to sing!

  5. What the hell???? That teacher would have been brought up on abuse charges these days. Nasty, nasty, nasty. Glad this song brings you happy memories, Eddie.
