Saturday, February 07, 2015

All Good Things

It's empty.

There's nothing left.

Eddie's Attic/Booth 62 at the Dixie Peddlers Mall is no more.

One more truckload today and I will be completely out. Gone.  Like I was never there. I may cry.  I did on the last day of sales.  It feels so strange to get only one sales report email a night.  I feel kind of like I did when I graduated high school.  Everyone is heading off in their own direction.  You know you'll see each other again, but it will never be the same.  But it was good while it lasted.

I still have some thoughts to share and stories to tell from the last days.  I've had precious little time to write lately (naturally).  I also have a whole ton of things that I had planned to write about in January, until the store closing bomb dropped.  My brain is overly full and needs to be emptied. 

Good-bye to my beloved Dixie Peddlers Mall.  I will miss you.  Thanks for such a good run.  The page has turned, and it's time to write a new chapter in my junking journey.


  1. I hear you Eddie.
    The unknown is scarey, yet exciting.

  2. I have been through this. There is a group of us who still have reunions for lunch to discuss how much fun we had together. Like you said we scattered across two states in a number of malls but Marketplace is remembered as the best. Beat the blues with a ton of junk!

  3. Endings and Beginnings!


  4. So glad you wrote about the ending of Peddlers journey this month. Such a huge huge huge job. Many hugs.

  5. Deep breath and onto the next chapter. Rest up as that looked like a ton of work!

  6. Job well done! Rest up for the next phase.
