Monday, February 02, 2015

Tired-Ass Monday Rambles

I am one whooped little puppy!  But the end has come and gone.  Now for....the aftermath!

I had my best sales day ever on the last day.  Set a new one day record for me that will stand for a while, I think.  I also topped $2,000 in sales for the last month.  (I usually don't like to mention numbers, but I'm kind of stoked by the total.  Forgive me if I crow for a sec.)  My check won't be quite that large.  I still have to pay the 6% commission, even if there is no rent coming out.  When I started running ahead of my goal for the month, I charged some purchases against my account instead of paying cash.  I had never done that before, but it enables me to snag some great stuff at great prices.  I figure that, when the dust settles, I've got enough stock for the next 2-3 months in both big and small items.  That also means lots of posts of fabulous finds too!

About that settling dust, however.  Yesterday, I packed and consolidated stuff most of the afternoon.  I got quite a bit done in a short period, so I have big hopes for today.  I need to pull everything out of my storage and get it ready.  Thankfully, about 80% of it is already in boxes.  I'll need to rearrange some things so that the boxes will close, but there won't be a lot of packing there. 

Then there's the booth proper.  There will be a lot of packing there, although it's only about 1/4 full after all the sales.  I left everything on the sales floor, except for my books and some small furniture, which I moved to the other store early.  I wanted to get rid of as much as I could, so I held off on both the packing and the restocking.  I just hope I have enough boxes and paper.  I've been squirreling away boxes for weeks now.  Every time I saw one laying around the store, I snagged it.  I've got a pretty good horde, but I'm taking some more from home today.  You cannot be over-prepared at a time like this.

One of my college roommates hit me up on Facebook Friday and offered his truck to help with some moving on Saturday.  Between his truck and Mazda we got five good loads of furniture out and over to the other store.  My booths there look like a hot mess right now.  They're just crammed with crap.  Prettying that up will have to wait until the weekend.  My sales there really picked up the last couple of weeks.  My books started selling like crazy once I got them over there.  Despite the current mess, my furniture is moving too.  This makes me happy.  I am looking forward to growing this one into what I want it to be.  It's the flagship Peddlers Mall, dammit!  I ought to be rocking the house soon!  Eddie's Attic Style!  Cue the music!

Tomorrow is the move out for everything else.  We're getting a U-Haul to try and get it in one or two fell swoops.  Since I've crammed about as much of my eight booths as I can into the four at the other store, I also had to take a storage place.  I got one with a first month free deal and paid for the second month in advance.  My hope is not to need it after three months.  It is good to have a "home base" for the moment to work and organize.

Wednesday and Thursday will be clean up days.  I might also help a few of my friends there with some of the stuff they have to do, just for old time's sake.  I'll probably also scavenge up a few more goodies if I can.  This is junk set out week in our neighborhood and I've been able to give it no attention whatsoever.  I've been making up for it during the move out from people offering stuff they didn't want to move.  The rainy, cold weather is also putting a damper on the junk set out, so it's all good.  I need to keep telling myself that I cannot have all the things.  (But I can try.)

I am looking forward to Friday, when the frantic pace drops off entirely and I am back to working at my own leisurely amble.  I scored a couple of comfy vintage folding chairs that are going to be my work seats at the storage.

Honestly, I am feeling okay.  I've been drinking lots of water and resting often.  I've just been coming home and going right to bed at the end of the day.  I took this week off from work to lessen the stress a bit.  I am starting to lag and I know that I cannot keep this pace up for too much longer, but I think I ought to be able to see it through and survive.  Thanks for your well wishes and concerns.  I've been taking everything to heart and am well aware of my blog angels watching over me. 

It's almost over.  I'll have some pics when I remember to take them.  Have a good week.


  1. congrats!
    stay rested, and hydrated and all that...

  2. Way to go Eddie.

  3. Such a huge task and you are handling it so well. Proud of you but yes we are all concerned for your health. So continue to rest when needed and hydrate! Sounds like a long week but it will all get done!

  4. Congrats on that great month of sales..going out with a bang with your space. Don't overdo..been thinking of you.

  5. Good Gravy, Eddie, I'm exhausted just reading all of that! Sending you good, energetic thoughts for the work that lays ahead of you this week!

  6. I'm tired now! Bless your heart for doing all that work! I saw that someone had offered to help you with a truck and that made me happy for you! I cannot imagine eight booths. SO much work. That is one awesome check you will be getting. I had my very worst month ever this month. But, I am telling myself that it will pick up - after Christmas, no money, cold weather and all that stuff.

  7. You have been working in high gear. I cannot believe all you have accomplished. I hope you have promised yourself a reward after all the moving is over.

  8. I'm exhausted just thinking of all you've done. It sounds like it's working out well for you - getting things accomplished. - congrats on the huge check! Continue to rest as needed..
