Thursday, March 19, 2015

Big Flea Finds!

I know you don't believe it looking at my granny cart, but it was slow going for a while at the big flea on Sunday.  Since it was a regular show, with no special antique wing, all of the older, cooler stuff was mixed in with all the folks selling socks, honey, roofing services and salvage groceries.  I'm not saying there's anything wrong with those kinds of vendors.  One of the things I like about a good flea is the eclectic mix of goods.  I always find a few things for my own personal enjoyment, especially with the salvage groceries.  Besides, there are always folks selling Avon and the like who have a small table set up with a few other cheap, interesting items for sale.  I've found a lot of things from set ups like that over the years.

I always get so wrapped up in my shopping that I forget to take pics.  Sorry about that.  One track mind, I guess.  Instead here are some of the finds.

I bought some more comics there.   I always buy some comics there.  Since I spent a lot of space on comics in Monday's post, I'll just hit one highlight here.  I was pleasantly surprised to find this.

I don't run across these Whitman Dynabrite comics very often.

Of course, you have already seen the charmer on the bottom step, sitting atop the granny cart.  The red wagon is well-made and cool, but not that old.  I got a good price on it using my killer bargaining skills.

Speaking of bargaining, it took a little work, but I got this bad boy down to a decent price.  I could not pass him by.  He's awesome.

These busty beauties almost got me in trouble.  The dealer had a sign that everything in her booth was a dollar, the kind of thing you do not have to tell me twice.  I was picking one of them up, when she said:  "Those are a dollar too.  I don't think a lot of people have realized that they are for sale.  For a dollar, you can take those ta-ta's home."  By this time, I'm holding both of them.  She's talking loudly, and the place gets quiet.  Folks in the next stall start staring at us.  All of a sudden, she points at the figures in my hands and says, even more loudly:  "I meant those ta-ta's.  Not these ta-ta's!"  Of course she points at her chest while she's saying it.  Now everyone is staring at me like I'm some kind of a ta-ta freak or something.  (As if!) 

Some of the smaller finds.

A metal flower frog for a buck?  More, please!  The dealer I got that from had been moving things over to his dollar table all day to reduce his carry out load.  He said he was surprised that the frog had stayed there all day.

Ew!  I need to clean these babies.

I got five of these great cocktail glasses from the same guy.  They have a little frosted spot on the glass where the host could write a guest's name and their drink order.  Cool.

I paid a lot more for these than I ever do, but I wanted them for my collection.  They're all quite old.  I've never seen an Altar Society pin like that before.  Cool.

All in all, a nice day at the big flea!


  1. Ahhhhhh great stuff Ed. Love seeing what you find.

  2. Fifty cents per ta ta is a great deal. I love the altar society medal most - you have me looking for religious medals all over the place. I am wondering about "salvaged" groceries - salvaged from what?

  3. I like most everything you found..even those TaTa's!!! LOL! The flower frog for a $1 was steal!
