Thursday, April 02, 2015

I've still got it!

Cancer, that is.  I've still got cancer.  Dammit!

Tumie, the spleen tumor, is still there and still growing.  Slowly, rather than by leaps and bounds, but growing nonetheless.

So, it's on to the next treatment.  If you don't count the surgery and the radiation, then this is my third treatment for melanoma, which means that I now have an odd sort of collection.

This next one is called Keytruda, and it is an immunotherapy, much like the last drug I was given.  The catch with this one is that the treatment can go on indefinitely.  It's new enough that they don't know what the cycle should be yet.  Ack!  Side effects are supposed to be about the same, which means I'll go on being tired and dizzy and queasy, but I probably won't have any serious weight or hair loss.  Looks like I lucked into the kind of cancer drugs that keep you fat and hairy.

I start this next, seemingly never-ending, journey on Tuesday.  I got the Purple Power Port (ENGAGE!) unclogged, so I'm all ready to go.  Woo hoo!  (I guess.)

I'm kind of glad I did some advance thinking as far as the booth goes.  My merch backlog may come in handy over the next few months.

I'll keep everyone updated as things progress.  I guess we'll just keep plugging along.  Not much other choice.  I'm a little bummed by this, so please excuse my tone right now.  I am happy to have options.  I just wish I didn't have to exercise them quite so frequently, you know?

Thanks for hanging in there with me.

And now, for some photo fun:

This is what happens when you're bored at the cancer center waiting for the port de-clogger to kick in.

Also, today is Emmylou Harris' birthday.  That's good news, at least.


  1. BUM. MER! So sorry, Eddie. As someone wrote in my HS yearbook, keep the baby, faith.

  2. Well Damn! Not much else to say my friend! Sending hugs!


  3. Damn is right. Keep thinking positive thoughts. You know we're all here for you.

  4. Oh good gosh...bummed? The tone of your blog is so understandable...lots of people keeping you strong and thinking of you. You do have a collection..damn. xo

  5. You are my super hero, Eddie. Curses for the cancer's villainous, evil, egregious, heinous, diabolical, and fiendish presence in your body. I'll get right on the pom pom glittered coonskin hat. You're gonna need it!

  6. Damn It and HUGS Eddie. Backlog of stock - that was a good move, on the good hours of a day you can pull out more good stuff. Hope that new drug does the job. HUGS again.

  7. Wishing you good health and keeping you in my thoughts and prayers. It's extremely disappointing news except for the tumor growing slower. At least that is a positive. Keep fighting.

  8. You always have your humor, even int he worst of times. Love that about you. What can I say except we are all here for you. Love ya, Eddie!

  9. Tumie, GET LOST! So sorry to hear this Eddie. It makes me mad! Grr. Hang in there, man.

  10. No fair! No fair! No fair! Crap!

  11. ((sigh))
    ...and I will reapeat the DAMN sentiment - now you truly have a 'DAMN' collection!
    Keep on 'keeping on' - Your positive attitude will get you through this!!!!

  12. POOP! I'm so sorry to hear this, Eddie. Keep the faith and we'll all be here to keep the faith with you. Chin up, kiddo. Xo

  13. Hang in there, Eddie. Reading material only goes so far, and it's too bad you're stuck in a room with no people to people watch with!

  14. I love you Eddie Evans
