Wednesday, April 08, 2015

Showing some skin!

Yesterday, I had the thought that, maybe,

if I flashed a little flesh,

that things might move along a little faster at the cancer center.

Turns out, they see that kind of stuff all the time.  Oh well.

Actually, treatment-wise, this was the fastest infusion ever.  It was over so quickly that I couldn't believe it.  The consult beforehand?  That took for-freaking-ever.

As usual for these things, I'm tired and dizzy.  I took a long nap when we got home.  But I did manage to get a Goodwill trip in across town.  It looks like the price-reassessing at the downtown store is happening at some of the others as well.  I have never seen so many fifty-cent items at this particular store.  I bought a soft-sided toy box, a retro hamper, a vintage men's valet, and a thing to hold fireplace logs, and the most expensive item was six bucks. Sorry, but no pics.  Everything is in the van and it is POURING!

We had Asian buffet for lunch.  This was my fortune.

I think it means I'm going to be an astronaut when I grow up.  Or something.  Huh?


  1. Or it could mean you are the big kahuna, along with all the others getting the same fortune of course!

  2. I think they ran out of fortunes and started cutting them in half to paste different parts back together. Flashing skin usually is a good fall-back maneuver.

  3. Yes, YOU are the star around all of us revolve.

  4. "...around WHICH all of us revolve." Well, you know what I meant.

  5. and here I thought flashing skin would get you more attention :) Glad the infusion went well. Now I'm going to have to visit my GW and see if prices are going down some here. I did find a really cue Little Tykes shopping cart for Tiger a few weeks ago for $2.97 which is a good price for how sturdy this toy is. Tiger loves it and plays with it when he comes here. Rest up!

  6. Glad you were able to sneak in a trip to GoodWill after all of that.
    Hopefully, we will get to see some pictures later?
    And yes! An astronaut - yes, that must be it!
    (When you grow up, LOL.)
    Funny, my favorite greeting card I bought and have kept for years says on it "When I grow up, I want to be a little girl." And I must say that, good or bad, I kind of AM, in a lot of ways.
    Take care, Eddie!
