Friday, June 12, 2015

Where have you been, young man?

I just love it when you all call me "young."  Tee hee!

Yes, I am aware I have been absent for way too long after our return from San Francisco.  No, that absence wasn't exactly planned.  Have you ever heard about needing a vacation to recover from your vacation?  That's almost, kinda what happened to me.  But, not exactly.

So, let's run down the past week and a half.

TUESDAY (JUNE 2):  We got back, early in the morning.  Slept in the next day.  Keith started taking on a cold on the trip back and woke up feeling poorly.  We ran by the Peddlers Mall to check out the booth, which was such a mess that I didn't even want to deal with it.  (I was still really tired.)  By the time we got home, I was starting to feel poorly.

WEDNESDAY (JUNE 3):  I stayed in a tried to kick the cold, without much luck.

THURSDAY (JUNE 4):  Ditto.  And ditto on the luck, too.

FRIDAY (JUNE 5):  Junk set out weekend in our neighborhood started, and I stayed in.  I am such a baby when I have a cold.  Cancer?  I can manage that.  A cold?  I need to take to my sick chamber for a week and moan and snuffle and stuff.

SATURDAY (JUNE 6):  Stayed in.  No yard sales for me!

SUNDAY (JUNE 7):  Stayed in during the day, but ventured out in the evening to check out the junk piles.  Made a few finds.  Went back to bed.

MONDAY (JUNE 8):  Woke up feeling better.  Decided it was time to get to the booth, after hitting a few junk piles first.  The pickings turned out to be so very good that I ended up spending most of the day combing the neighborhood, going through people's trash.  This is such a glamorous profession.

TUESDAY (JUNE 9):  Treatment day!  Went to the cancer center for number 4, then home to bed, as the post-infusion fatigue set in.

WEDNESDAY (JUNE 10):  The combination of the post-treatment tiredness and the resurgence of the blasted cold kept me in.

THURSDAY (JUNE 11):  Felt much better, so finally got to the booth.  It was not pretty.  It still isn't.  Sigh.

I'm feeling a good deal better today.  The cold seems to finally be receding.  I'm down to a residual cough.  Keith is better as well.  Just in time, too.  The biggest church sale of the year is tomorrow, along with the neighborhood that surrounds the church.  I'll for sure have a Mazda shot for Sunday, as this sale last year was the birth of the Mazda shot.

I know I still have a lot of San Francisco stories, pics, and finds to share with you all.  I'm going to do my best to get caught up with all of that next week, including emails and blog comments.  I just wanted to let you all know that everything is okay on this end.

Hope everyone out there is doing well.


  1. Not fun combo of cold and infusion. Just makes the damn cold hang on and party longer. Glad you are getting the mojo going again - and (almost) ENVY the hauls you are going to make this weekend. Be WELL, fill that Mazda and have some fun. Sending you virtual energy.

  2. He's baaaaaack! Sorry you have been sick. I think summer colds are the worst because how wants soup and blankies when it is 100 freaking degrees???? Feel better and tell us your stories when you can.

  3. Glad you posted so we all know you're okay. The biggest church sale of the year plus the surrounding neighborhood?? Rest up young man. Sounds like it's going to be a busy day!

  4. I was quite afraid you had been buried in a gigantic pile of junk. Summer colds are the absolute worse. I am sure a big dose of junk will speed your recovery.

  5. I understand about needing a vacation to recover from your vacation! I hate colds and getting one from flying happens often. Glad you and Keith are on the mend. Cold and infusion, not fun! So happy you found some junk! I'm ready for a thrift/vintage store trip soon!


  6. so sorry you got sick after vacation... Not fun, especially combined with your treatment. My hubby is the same way when he has a's like the end of the world! Glad your feeling better... Take it slow and easy.
