Sunday, August 30, 2015

What's in Mazda?

Four sales yesterday.  Three church sales and one community sale with over 70 vendors set up!

There is stuff in the seat that you cannot really see.  I was trying to practice some restraint.  I've been spending more time on the Sorrow Mountain, as well as cleaning up my junk room, so the urge to control myself is quite strong. 

I've gotten no less that four spam comments on the blog lately, so I guess that means it's time to crawl back in the saddle and get this pony back on the track.  Yee haw!  (Sorry about that.  Flashback to my days ranging guinea pigs on the open plains.)

Tune into tomorrow's Ramble.  It's gonna have it all: news and updates, junk stories, junk pics, a book review, grand happenings, good changes, annoying occurrences, the ever popular booth updates, and a haggis recipe.

Well, maybe not that last one.  In the meantime, what do you see in Mazda?


  1. A bookshelf which appears to have blue-checked shelves, a bin of brightly colored small toys, some framed prints of some kind, and a whole bunch of things needing tagging! Horror Monster has crept into the living room and company threatens. I better get cracking.

  2. A bookshelf? Christmas tree, bins of toys, framed prints, coffee mug, a window and something metal. Oh and your keys and a water bottle. :)

  3. Books shelf, shelf boards, lego? metal wall mount something, water bottle, framed print. My favorite are church and community sales, all the goodies in one area for fast picking.

  4. I see your keys and an empty water bottle plus a big drink up front so I am happy that you are staying hydrated! That's good. I am assuming your floppy hat is on your head. I also see a nice amount of old chippy wooden blocks with the great colors. Those are great!

  5. From my IPhone , I spy a wood shelving unit with blue checkered shelve's, a picture on the front passenger seat,a Christmas tree, maybe Leggo's, two other little bin's of toy's , a cup, water bottle and key's !! Looking forward to your Ramble tmrrw so we can be nosey and see what cha been up to !!! What , no haggis recipe ?? I was so looking forward to one , NOT !!!! Hug's,TT
