Saturday, September 05, 2015

Retro Y'all!

If you checked in early last week, you might have already seen this one.  I made a midweek change to the Moody Blues, then forgot to reschedule this one.  Oops!

I'm at the sidewalk sale at the Peddlers Mall today, so I'm in seller mode today.  Hoping to clear out some stuff that really needs to go!

And this will be my theme song for the day.  Hope it's yours too!

Have a happy and safe Labor Day weekend!  Don't forget your floppy hats and sunscreen!


  1. Oh this song brought a smile to my face! Good luck with the sale and hope you clear out lots of junk!!!

  2. Loved the song, I do remember it. I hope you can move some of your unmoveables and make some cash. That's the best about a yard or garage sale, cash in hand, you don't have to wait a week or two for your check from the mall.
    You and the hubby have a wonderful safe weekend yourselves !!! Hug's, TT
