Saturday, October 10, 2015

Retro Y'all!

I kind of went back and forth on this one, since I wasn't totally sure if it was old enough to be considered "retro" or not.  Then I realized that this is my blog and I make the rules, so it fits.

I first heard the Indigo Girls in my seminary days.  I was in a friend's room and she was playing their cassette.  (I guess maybe this is retro.  Or else I'm old.)  She kept talking and talking about how their music had "so many spiritual messages" in it. 

Then she stopped, leaned forward, and half-whispered:

"And I think they're lesbians."

At that point in my life, lesbian folk-singers was subversive enough for me to be interested.  I became a huge fan.  Keith and I saw them on one of their first tours through Louisville and every time they came back to town for years and years.  I found the old ticket stubs in a box in the shed the other day.

For a long time, I used to make mixes on tape and CD of songs with different personal themes for me.  I always had at least one called "Power" that I would play when life felt particularly out of control or I was feeling helpless and small. 

A good 75% of that mix was Indigo Girls songs.


  1. I am enjoying this video! I don't know Indigo Girls but I do now! I love this kind of music. I love that you made a POWER play list...I think I need one of those these days and one for RELAX.

  2. My daughter loves them. She goes to see them every year they come to Cape Cod.

  3. Making your own rules - good concept. Thanks for visiting and leaving comments Eddie. Its been quite a week. Hugs.

  4. Shared the video on my FB page - I forgot how much I loved this song. I would not have said retro until I saw the clothing and hairstyles in the video. Man, Am I OLD! I think we used this song as the song of the semester for the seventh grade.
