Saturday, May 28, 2016

Retro Y'all!

Thoughts to ponder this Memorial Weekend. 

Emmylou Harris has an incredible cover of this one.  I'd love to here to two of them do it as a duet.  That would be awesome.

One of the very first things Keith and I bonded over was a mutual love of Tracy Chapman.  One day, I cut a pic of her out of Rolling Stone and taped it to his door with a little note that said something like "Hey Keith!  Stopped by to see you.  Sorry I missed you.  Love, Tracy."

In 1989, we were bus captains to the Housing Now! March in Washington, DC.  That was my first ever major national protest march.  It was kind of a heady weekend.  We rode the buss all night, got out, marched, got back on the bus and drove all night back to Louisville.

The Names Project AIDS Memorial Quilt was on display at the same time, so we snuck off to see it for a little while.  It was our first time seeing a large scale display of the quilt, and I remember how overwhelming it all was.

I ran into some friends from college there, which was cool.  One of the last things that happened at the main platform before our group had to leave to re-board the buses was Tracy Chapman performing.  It kind of made the whole weekend for us.

Stay safe this weekend folks!  I'm planning to chill and watch anime all weekend.


  1. Good memories Eddie! I love this song :)

  2. Now I am listening to Tracy sing Stand By Me. Have a wonderful weekend, Eddie.

  3. Memories are a good thing! And yours are great. Have a chill weekend. We all need them!
