Monday, October 10, 2016


I debated doing a full on old time "Monday Rambles" ramble today, but it just ain't in me.  A short paragraph will have to suffice.  I have been fighting a losing booth battle since mid-September, which has pretty much eaten up all my blog time.  I am very sorry if anyone worried about me.  I think I finally have things on the ropes.  I finally came up with a solution to my last nagging problem.  I just need to put it into action and I should be finally finished with this whole mess in a couple of days.

We'll see, I guess.

When I do have things under control again, I'll write more and include some pics.

In the meantime, enjoy some happy kitties.

PS I'm spending more time on the book of faces, because it's easier to do on my phone when I'm taking a booth break.  You can always check in on me there, as long as the increasingly frequent political post or article doesn't bother you.


  1. I hadn't realized it has been so long since you blogged. But, since we are FB friends, I see you post every day and I know you are still out there and OK. That's nice to know.

  2. Thank you for starting my day with happy kitties. Fixing to leave to fight the booths - they are both wrecks after a very wild weekend with all the evacuees here. I love your political commentary on the book of faces.

  3. I didn't realize I had been missing you in blogland since we're FB friends now! I do enjoy all your posts - silly or political. Good luck with the booth. I have overhauled all of mine in the past 2 weeks. Lots and lots of work!

  4. I too am a book of faces friend and see you often. Political posts you write I am right there with you!! Still Cali for a couple more days. It's been a great visit with my daughter!!

  5. Glad to know you're doing ok.
