Monday, March 06, 2017

Monday Mini-Ramble!

Not much time to chat this week.  Sorry about that.  Got a lot on the old plate at this moment, but I did want to give you all a couple of updates.

First, the good news.  At my treatment last week, the doctor told me that there is a meeting planned for May that will discuss the process for ending immunotherapy treatment for long term patients like me who are doing well and not having any problems.  One possibility is moving to bimonthly or quarterly treatments from the current every three week schedule.  Another is just ending treatment all together and monitoring with scans.  Exciting times.  Also, my nest scan is in a couple of weeks.

Now the bad.  Keith's brother passed away last week.  His mother is taking this really hard.  He had not been doing well for some time, but this was still kind of sudden.  We're heading to Oklahoma for the memorial service on Thursday, which puts me on a really tight schedule this week, especially since the booth is a wreck right now.

I had two items left to share from the freebie haul from the secondhand/vintage store.  Here they are.

These two caused me the most grief getting them in the van.  It was already quite full and they just would not go in the available space.  I was determined not to unload it all and repack, while Keith kept insisting that I would have to leave one behind.  Showed him!

So last week, I headed back over there and did it all again.

What was I supposed to do?  It was the last day, and they had a whole room full of free stuff! 


  1. I am so sorry about Keith's brother. I know how hard it must be, sending hugs and much love. I hope your treatments get reduced!

    Loving the junk haul. I'm still downsizing but miss the thrill of the hunt also.

  2. Very sorry to read that Keith's brother has passed. Tough time for all. Travel safely.

    Very full car of the free stuff! Hope the reduction of immunotherapy therapy goes ahead.

    Hugs and Love to Keith's Mom and Keith and You. Sibling/son loss is a tough one.


  3. Sorry to hear of you and Keith's loss. I'll be thinking of you guys. Be safe in your travels.

    Also - you made out like a bandit with free stuff!

  4. Oh Eddie, I am so sorry about Keith's brother. Please tell him I am thinking about him and you of course. And his poor Mom. Ugh. SO very hard.

  5. I'm so sorry about Keith's brother. So difficult...

  6. I am very late in reading this post. My sympathies go out to Keith and his mom. Good news though about the immunotherapy treatment.
