Wednesday, January 31, 2018

A Poem What I Have Wrote

By Michael Edward Mitchell
Age 53

Hercules and Isosceles
    Were going to the Ball.
Said Hercules to Isosceles:
    "You're the tallest one of all."
Said Isosceles to Hercules:
     "By Jove! I think you're right!"
Then Hercules and Isosceles
     Strolled off into the night.

 Eddie-tor's Note: I couldn't sleep the other night, and this was the result. It was inspired by something one of my former Adult Ed students said one night when we were studying triangles.


  1. Eddie you never cease to surprise me!

  2. This poem what you wrote
    Upon my heart did smote.
    You rhymed the words so well
    I think your smarts are swell!
