Saturday, January 06, 2018

Retro Y'all!

Another earworm they play at the Peddlers Mall all the time. If it's gonna be stuck in my head, I'm gonna share that "joy" with you all.  This one is dedicated to the customer who was walking up the aisle singing along at the same time that I was working, also singing along.

This one is a twofer treat as we get back into the Retro Y'all groove.  I had a hard time picking which version of this song to feature, since there are two well known versions of it, both equally popular and both equally retro.  In the end I decided to include them both.

That was Tanya Tucker.  Now here's Helen Reddy.

I have to say that I prefer Tucker's version.  I'm always attracted to good, old-fashioned twangy country, plus I love the harmonies and the gospel choir feel of the ending better.  Although, that odd little dance step Reddy is doing is really cure, in an awkward sort of way.

Fun Facts:

My mother hated this song, for some reason.  She had some kind of Helen Reddy's greatest hits LP and played "I am Woman" over and over (and over) again after she and my father split.  She would always rush to the stereo to stop it before "Delta Dawn" could come on.

According to Wikipedia, this was almost released as single by Bette Midler, until Helen Reddy released it first.

Until I researched the song, I had no idea Helen Reddy was from Australia.


  1. My guess is your mom was afraid of getting that song stuck in her head for a week. I rush to turn off songs for that same reason. I can't tell you what they are because I've tried to block them from my memory. I've actually plugged my ears and hummed to avoid hearing them while I'm out in a store. An earworm can be torture for some people. I can have on phrase of a song loop around in my brain for days on end. It's maddening.

  2. Thank you Eddie!! Now that song is in my head before I even listen to the two versions!

  3. I know both versions, but did not listen to them for fear of an earworm. The night my son was born, I had a song in my head. Nothing would make it go away, I could not sleep, I was in misery and HELLO, I had just had a baby for Pete's Sake. I was tired!!!! Don't ask me what song or I'll go through it allllll over again. (I used to like Delta Dawn and sing in while I roller skated!)

  4. Totally refusing to listen to either version because time I read the title the earworm invaded my brain. If I was held down and forced to choose a version, I would choose Helen because I Am Woman! Tanya was just a Girl. Over the holidays the earworm at Riverfront Antique Mall (shameless plug) was Elvis and Blue Christmas.

  5. Must say I prefer Helen's version to Tanya's, which is PARTICULARLY twangy in this iteration.
