Monday, June 12, 2006

Whole Big Bunches of Odd, Unrelated Stuff

First off, thanks to Gordon for his nice review of my Mixed Bag 4 disc. Glad you liked it, Gordon!

Speaking of Gordon, I was one of the winners in his blogiversary giveaway. That sounds impressive, until you learn there were only two entries. Oh well, I usually don’t win stuff, so it’s still kind of neat to me.

Don’t think I’ll ever get the garden done. A friend dumped a flat of impatiens on me and I’ve not had time to do anything with me. The small beds I’ve got are full, and I’ve just not had a chance to work on anything new. Did have a chance to put up a couple of hanging baskets, though. Somehow they added something that I didn’t know was missing from the whole garden experience.

I’m not sure how much of this I can mention, but something neat is going to happen at my house this week, courtesy of a certain online retailer.

It was a pretty good weekend for comic and music shopping. Went to the LCS to find very little in my file—just a Lulu collection and an issue of Age of Bronze. Not real surprising, actually. So, I got a chance to browse a bit in the comic section and the music section. Picked up the new Meat Purveyors release. Picked up the Action Philosophers collection and some CD's. Haven't bought any music there in a while.

Then we headed over to Half-Price Books for our bi-weekly payday stop. I found a couple CD’s there and a complete Vertigo mini-series from several years ago. I’ve got my eye on a couple books, but think they’re still priced a bit too high for my taste. They’ve been there a while though, so I know the mark-down is coming!

Friends of the Library had their book sale this weekend, too. I always love to go, because there’s always something interesting there. I found one of the Top 10 collections and the first two volumes of Lone Wolf and Cub. Pretty cool.

Jaxon is dead. Damn.

Joe from GLA has a blog now. He’s a pretty nice guy, so check him out.

June is Adopt A Shelter Cat Month! The ASPCA has more info. They’ve also got an article about making your backyard safe for your pets.

Once they’re through trying to screw around with my relationship, what will the GOP do next? Mojoblog has the answer.

Actually, they are going after PBS again. Sigh!

It’s a good week for concerts, Del McCoury is doing an in-store to promote his new CD, and Marshall Chapman comes to town Friday. She’s got a new one too. So much new music, so little time…..

Support your local independent bookseller! The battle against chain sellers may be older than we (or at least I) knew, but the situation is worse than ever now.

Mowing the grass is my job around here. We bought a push mower when we first moved in, because I thought the yard was too small to mess with a gas mower, mainly because of the pollution. It’s also turned out to be better exercise for me as well. Find out more about ways to care for your lawn that decrease air pollution. (Last two bits courtesy of Utne)

Gotta run!


  1. I kept meaning to e-mail you to thank you for the CD. Thanks! I can't get the Frogs song out of my head.

  2. You're very welcome, Dorian. That one track seems to stick with everyone! Me included.

  3. Oh, yeah. I liked your disc, too.

    As for your house...will it be in an ad?

    -the other winner of the Gordon giveaway

  4. Sort of, Roger. Everything is supposed to happen tomorrow, so I can talk about it after that, I think. Glad you liked the disc.
