Tuesday, January 30, 2007

He's Still An All Right Guy

We’ve seen Todd Snider perform a half dozen times or so, and his performance at Headliners last Friday was one of the best. He was in rare form, laughing and interacting with his audience, and really putting an effort into both his playing and his singing. At this point, his catalog is large enough that he can’t possibly do everything any one particular person would want to hear, but he sure tried. Of course, given Snider’s songwriting, it’s hard to be disappointed in what he plays, even if he doesn’t do any of your favorites! I thought the set was a nice mix of older material and stuff from his most recent two albums, which is some of the most mature material he’s ever recorded.

It took me a while to get my head around the opening act, Cory Branan, who’s a good songwriter, but has some stage quirks that put me off until I got used to them. His stuff kind of floats between alt-country and neo-folk, which means strong rhythms, great lyrics and a tendency to change tempos several times during one song. Still, I ended up enjoying his set quite a bit and am now looking for more of his work.

Picture cribbed from Snider's webpage.

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