Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Sprucing Up the Place

I'm starting a new sidebar feature for the old Eddie-torial blog here. I'd like to try and blog about every concert we see in 2007, so I've started a section to link to those reviews. Not sure why. It just seeme like something to do. Also, after every show is reviewed, I'll be adding artist links to the More Good Music section. I've already added the artists from the shows we've seen so far. Check them out!

I've just about finished reviews for Todd Snider and Kate Campbell from this weekend. Those should go up tonight, along with my favorite concerts of 2006. When I post them, I'm going to redo the timestamp on this post so that it still shows as the first post for today. So, if you come back late tonight or tomorrow to see what's happening here, keep scrolling past this one to find out!

Off to work!

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