Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Tuesday Rambles (On the Road Edition)

Howdy  from Arkansas!

It's our annual road trip to visit Keith's mother.

We ended up making the whole 13 hour drive here in one fell swoop, quite unintentionally, so we arrived about 3 in the morning on Sunday.  That actually turned out to be a good thing, even though we are far too old to be trying such foolishness, because it gave us an extra day to spend here.  We've already gotten the annual ritual of the shoe buying over with, and had time to visit with one of his aunts.

Something special also happened yesterday,but I may wait until next week to talk about it.  It was STUPENDOUS!

Today, we're lunching with his oldest aunt, possibly visiting another aunt who is ill, and maybe popping in on My Man Fred.  That's one of my favorite traditions. Yes, Keith does have a full collection of aunts.  Tonight and tomorrow,we'll eat our Thanksgiving with his mom and then hit the road on Thursday.

Why leave actually on Thanksgiving?

No traffic!

Safe travels and happy visits to everyone!

Much love.


  1. STUPENDOUS you say? Oh, I can't wait to hear what on earth you did!!!!! *wink*

  2. A pic of this year's shoes please. Be safe. You better have a post about something stupendous by Sun day.

  3. you are SO Willie Nelson!

  4. Enjoy!! Oh and I forgot about the annual shoe buying!!
