Saturday, July 01, 2017

Retro Y'all!

In between getting Tucker down off the drapes and out of my hair (Literally.  He loves my hair and Keith's beard and considers them his personal playgrounds.)  I've been binge-watching old episodes of the E! show Hollywood Mysteries and Scandals, which just goes to show how out of touch I am with modern life.  Everyone else marathons Game of Thrones. I gorge on old entertainment documentaries. I'll never be cool.

 Anyway, there was an ep on Bobby Darin and this got stuck in my head.  Enjoy.

The song has a fascinating history, by the way.  For a bonus treat, click here for the German version by composer Kurt Weill's wife, Lotte Lenye.

Have a safe holiday weekend everyone.  Wear your sunscreen and be careful with the fireworks.


  1. You too Eddie. It is Canada's 150th Birthday today. We are staying safely at home.

  2. I loved Bobby Darin and this song is awesome! I'll go read the info on it. Happy 4th of July and stay safe. Well as safe as you can with a kitten climbing in your hair! Hugs!!

  3. Hi Eddie - missing you.
