Monday, January 01, 2018

Happy Sixth Month Anniversary of the Last Time I Blogged!

Or, as the rest of the world calls it:


Geez, the lengths I will go to for a joke...  I had to clam up for six months to make this one work.  I hope it was worth it.

Okay, seriously, I'm alive and there will be explanations forthcoming, as soon as I've had a chance to get my blogging feet back under me.

How about some festively appropriate, yet fully retro celebratory music?

Consider that chorus my promise to you.  (All together now!)

I will be with you again!

Maybe even as soon as tomorrow?  Maybe.

In the meantime, I am off to the last day of the Big Flea in hopes of snatching up some great deals in the antique wing.  It's a New Year's tradition, after all.

Thanks for sticking with me.  You all rock harder than U2.

Speaking of which, is there any other band from that post-punk/new wave era that has managed to stay together and relevant all these years later?  I can't think of any.  This song has all elements that made early U2 so memorable--powerful bass and drums, Bono's slightly eerie vocals, and the Edge's even more slightly eerie guitar, plus that little piano riff.  I just love it.

Also, how young they all were back then!  (How young we all were back then.  Sigh...)

I picked this particular clip to use because drummer Larry Mullen Jr is wearing that motorcycle jacket he used to wear a lot back in those days.  It's one of things I remember most about early U2.  Motorcycle  jackets are cool.  I wish mine still fit. in the closet.

Yes, leather will do that.

Sad as that may sound, I did replace it recently with a brand new leather bomber jacket in my size I found at the Peddler's Mall right around my birthday.  It's cool too.  And warm.  Which is good right now.  If I remember, I'll get a pic of it.

Happy 2018 folks!

Be back soon.


  1. Wow, what a treat to see a post from you! Can't wait to hear what's been happening. Happy New Year!

  2. Hey Eddie - Happy New Year !!!!

  3. I hope you're not just toying with my affections and that I WILL see you again this week, at least! Btw, I blogged 190 times on Ramblin' since you last posted. Just sayin'

  4. Happy New Year, Eddie!!
    Happy to see your post.
    Looking forward to more posts!
    (I am going to try not to neglect my own blog so badly this year - it's sort-of a resolution. We'll see...)

  5. A great way to start 2018 with an Eddie post! I've missed you my friend. Your humor is truly one of a kind and the blog world is a much less funny place without you. I have things that shrink in the closet would think someone would invent something to fix that wouldn't you! Hugs and Happy New Year!
