Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Meet Stacey Joy!

I thought I would give you something interesting to look at while I'm getting my toxicity topped off this morning.  Her name is Stacey Joy and she definitely fits the bill for "interesting to look at!"

This is not at all my style of thing, but I'm pretty sure it will be someone else's.  I'll be totally happy to provide it for them!  I do believe that you have to have some sort of focus to your re-selling efforts, but, at the same time, limiting yourself only to stuff that appeals directly to you is a good way to pass up money.

I found it on Saturday at a sale that was being held by a young woman who had just moved in with her boyfriend and was looking to unload some extra stuff and get it gone quick.  This meant the prices were oh-so-right!  I am still kicking myself for not buying two chairs at this sale.  Dammit!

I call her Stacey Joy because that's her name, which is written on the bottom.  She's some kind of caddy, maybe for remotes or keys or some such.  I've never seen one with a goofy face before.  She's also 10 years old, according to the date on the bottom.

Still, mine is not to question why.
Mine is but to sell
(and buy)! 


Lorraine said...

Very quirky and cute. Someone will love her and give her a new home. I like her wire hair accessories.

Roger Owen Green said...

She looks a bit crosseyed. It's quite disturbing.